Wednesday 6 June 2007

Peaks and Troughs

I've been playing cards for around 3 years now and, after finishing uni in mid May, I decided to try to build my roll from $200 as that's all the money I have! I've probably cashed out around $8000 from online poker since I started to play, as being a poor student I desperately needed the cash, but now I really want to build my roll up and hopefully be able to move to mid stakes and grind out enough money for beer, cigarettes and paying the rent without having to get a real job. (I've made a reasonable sum of money playing live as well, but i tend to keep that separate plus I haven't really managed to keep track of specific amounts)

The main problem I've had over the past few years has been discipline, and that has already caused me a major downfall in my quest to get my roll to $10000.

I play omaha (high) cash most of the time, and as everyone knows this contains huge swings. I went on a big upswing and turned my roll into $3000 in around 3 weeks, and then i've just blown half of it due to lack of discipline, tilt, and an omaha down swing. So my roll is now on $1400 and I don't really know what to do. I have to drop right back down as i've been playing a mixture of $0.5-$1 and $1-$2 on Full Tilt. (In my silliest moments I even ended up playing $2-4 buying in short with only around 12 short buy ins) The problem is that playing stakes much lower than this I end up playing like a complete fool and find it very difficult to concentrate.

I also play mtts quite frequently and have probably had even more success in them than omaha in the past, however i think it would be very difficult to make money by playing multis alone.

So I need a plan, I also need discipline and I need to find a way to restrain the crazy monkey that sometimes takes over my brain!


strepyisacat said...

How's the plan coming along?

The Crazy Monkey said...

Ooopsy! I'll write it tomorrow...