Wednesday 29 January 2014

More Japan

So a month has gone by without me posting - mostly because it’s hard to find the time between working, skiing, eating, sleeping and partying!! Things are pretty hectic and with Chinese New Year approaching it’s not going to get any quieter. 14 days of work in a row starting from tomorrow!

So my first Christmas completely away from home was a bit strange but a whole lot of fun anyway. I didn’t feel as though I missed out too much, due to the fake Christmas we had in November! Our festivities here kicked off on Christmas Eve with a party at the Black Diamond Lodge in Niseko. We had a full Christmas feast with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, even some spare ribs thrown in for good measure! The only thing missing was the brussel sprouts which most people would consider a blessing, but not me!! A very drunken evening followed, with guest buying shots of jaeger all night for everyone, which made getting up for work on Christmas morning more than a little difficult!! My day was pretty full too, with 6 hours of teaching including a night lesson, but it was actually pretty fun, and the santa hats made everything pretty cheerful.

The end of 2013 continued to be busy, with a lot of 6 hour days including New Year’s Eve, which was followed by the instructor torchlight descent.

It was pretty fun to get to take part in something I’ve watched on previous new years’ in resorts in France. I never thought I would get the opportunity to do it myself, albeit slightly intoxicated at the time!

After new year the pow really started to hit, with around 3 weeks with snow every day, and I don't mean 5cm every day. It was 30, then 40, then 60 and continued on and on. I've never skied pow so deep, and got my first ever face shot! Woop woop! But with great snow comes great responsibility, which meant that the digging began! So every morning we took to the steps, magic carpet and other areas around the hill!

This was just a 30cm day, but you can see there was a lot of shovelling required!

On top of morning training (also known as morning pow run) the ski school have now introduced Saturday night training which has been really great for improving our skiing. I'm impressed by the amount and quality of training at Niseko Village Ski School. They really do take this side of things seriously and clearly want to improve both their staff's teaching and skiing. I have not only been enjoying the amazing skiing Niseko has to offer, but also the teaching has been so much fun, meeting really nice people and sharing many funny moments, and I feel really lucky to be here!

Of course, it's not always about the skiing, and it's certainly a work hard/play hard environment here, with nights out in nearby Hirafu, Sansou parties and having now had my first Japanese karaoke experience! In terms of Sansou parties, they always get a little out of hand, and the caretaker, Kadaguchi san - known to us as "The Gooch", will happily step in to karate your ass if he thinks you've gone a step too far!!

The rest of my time has been taken up with activities such as "English Fun Night", involving chatting English with 17 year old Japanese students. This mostly involves being asked inappropriate questions and/or being treated as a freak show while they take hundreds of photos of you. It's definitely an experience!! Along with these nights, the almighty quest for a Canadian visa has been another time consumer, with the lengthy application process and multiple hoops to jump through. My application has been provisionally accepted as long as I get the rest of my documentation in on time, so hopefully next winter will be a Canadian adventure!

During days off, we usually either ski, take a grocery mission to Kutchan, or chill in Sansou's toasty warm accommodation. However one day we took a trip to Rusutsu, another nearby resort. It was a beautiful day, with blue skies and fresh snow. and this picture of the trees doesn't do it justice.

After skiing for 4 hours, we drove a little further and stopped at a lookout spot at Lake Toya which can be seen in the photo below. It was truly amazing and I felt lucky to have gotten to see a little more of Hokkaido. Afterwards we went to a small town called Date for sushi. It really was a fantastic day.

Well that concludes my update for now, although I've undoubtedly missed out half of what has happened! Oh and just on a final note, I must say how much my love for heated toilet seats has grown over my time here. At first it was a bit weird - as though someone before you had been sitting there for an overly long time, but now, coming in from a cold day skiing and sitting on a lovely warm toilet seat is a major highlight! I don't know how I'm going to cope going back to sitting on a cold pan when I get home!!

Sunday 22 December 2013

Work and play!!

It's been a mad couple of weeks and I am really not getting this blogging thing down yet! Working at Niseko village Ski School is anything but quiet, with busy days full of lessons, skiing, food and partying.

Firstly to mention the food. We get pretty sturdy lunches each day, with more rice than you could ever want which is a good way to fill up on food, however eating out has been a real treat since we got here. Early on we had a group trip from Sansou to the okonomiyaki pancake restaurant down the road, called Jyu. The restaurant was really authentic, with cushions to sit on the floor and tables with hot plates in the centre. We all ordered the same pancakes filled with seafood and pork, and, I must say, they tasted incredible!

Whilst making the long trip to Kutchan (mostly made up of waiting around) for groceries one day, we went to the sushi train. The restaurant has a conveyor belt from which you can take food, and you can order specific dishes simply by shouting out in Japanese. It's a lot of fun. It has colour coded plates which are different prices, similar to that of Yo sushi in the UK, but the sushi was in no way similar. It was amazing and I can't wait for my next trip to Kutchan to go back. The chef was particularly smiley too!

Although drinking is a common pastime in Sansou, there has also been a lot of hat making on the go, so I decided to get in on the action. I was shown how to crochet and started making a hat, and this is how much I've done so far. My tutors are so skilled they can make a hat in just a few of hours! It's crazy!

I mentioned the Onsen in my last post, but failed to provide a picture, so here it is. It is an amazing thing after a hard day of skiing or teaching, and thoroughly warms you up. This is the Onsen in our accommodation, but we can also use others at the Hilton and Green Leaf hotel, and they are even better. They have outside areas and you can sit in the hot pool while snow falls on you.

While I posted pictures of Mt Yotei last time, I have never seen it as clear as it was this day, so I felt it was necessary to post again. When the dormant volcano is visible it is so unbelievably beautiful. I wish I never have to leave this view behind!

I got invited by some Japanese friends to a home sushi party this week, and I made my first self rolled sushi. The fish was delicious - I tried raw shrimp, monkfish, squid, salmon and tuna. Fun times!

So the biggest part of life here is the teaching, and I didn't really know how I was going to feel about it when I arrived. I find lessons extremely fun, and you get an amazing feeling of achievement from taking a never ever skier from bambi on ice to making them stop and turn with control. I find the days go by quickly and being in the outdoors is wonderful. I remember past ski instructors of mine making me look around and saying to me "This is my office". It feels nice to now be in that position! In addition to that, I received my first tips yesterday, which will help me through until pay day!

I haven't seen much wildlife since I arrived, however yesterday I saw two reindeer and a fox with such a bushy mane, it was beautiful. It was also pretty tame, and seemingly posed for the photograph!

Finally, here is a picture of my Hanko, which I eventually got this week. A Hanko is a Japanese signature stamp, which you use to sign all your documents. I think it's pretty cool! Might keep using it when I get home too! (I felt a little stupid when I had to ask a Japanese co-worker which way up it goes though...)

Work is very busy and I only have 1 day off between now and the third of January. It's not even Christmas day!! I'll update soon with how my first working Christmas goes. Ta ta for now!

Friday 29 November 2013


So a 30+ hour journey, 3 planes, 1 bus, a lot of hanging around airports, and I eventually made it to Niseko! The highlight was finding the amazing Japanese toilets with their many buttons. They even have a fake flush!!

The building we're staying in appears to be an old hotel, and the rooms are pretty big. The only showers are in an Onsen room so you can't be embarrassed about being naked in front of others. I guess I'll get used to it over the few months we're here! My room smelled pretty bad at first, but I realised this was due to numerous Japanese stink bugs crawling around! It has been much better since we got rid of them.

The first morning we awoke to snow falling. A nice welcome to Japan! We took a bus to the ski hill and had our induction and lunch at the staff canteen. The food was really good and very filling - it will be good sustinence during the working day! We took a trip to Kutchan - a nearby town - and got stocked up on food and essentials for the week (namely alcohol!). That evening we had pizza and an early night. Although we did discover this amazing vending machine in our building!

The following day we went to the ski hill again, this time for a Japanese prayer ceremony. It was great to experience some Japanese customs and we had a delicious free lunch at the Hilton hotel afterwards. The prayer ceremony was really interesting, although I'm pretty sure I wasn't nodding or clapping at the correct times!! We played in the snow and went for a short trip to Grand Hirafu where I looked at some second hand powder skis... Maybe! It snowed all day so the base is definitely coming along nicely now. :) In the evening we had an introduction to the ski instructor party lifestyle. Things got a little messy!

Funnily enough, yesterday I had a hangover day, but was made to feel better in the evening by a beautiful sunset on Mt Yotei. We got our ski schedule which looked pretty terrifying. My first two days of lessons are groups of kids. Eek!! After seeing that I needed some comfort, so I went back and bought the second hand powder skis for 30000 Yen! Picture to follow!

Sayoonara for now!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Japan is getting close...

My new ski poles arrived, my 85L Deuter backpack arrived and I bought 165,000 Yen. I guess that can only mean one thing - my Japan trip is drawing near!!

As the excitement builds, I feel some nerves mixed in too. I guess that's only natural when going to the other side of the world on your own. I'm also a little overwhelmed by how much I have to sort out before I leave. I guess I should get doing rather than writing then!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Best Christmas Day EVER in November!!

Christmas Day always saw me and mum awaken at 6am, desperate to exchange and open presents, from when I was 3 until I was 25. My sis would grumpily pull the covers back over her head when I went in to her room to waken her, all exciteable!! These last few years, however, I have grown to require a lie in... Waking late morning, we were cooked a treat of egg in a hole, sausage and back. Egg in a hole, a geordie delicacy of a hole cut out of a slice of bread, and then fried with an egg, with the yolk in the middle. Simple but awesome!!

Next for bucks fizz and present opening! I was truly spoilt as usual, with sweets, chocolate, socks, underwear, slippers, kindle, ski poles - so many delights! Everyone was on a high, and, in particular, Coll was very pleased with his big bone...

Perhaps the biggest treat of all was the amazing Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. I only managed 18 brussel sprouts this year though, 8 less than last year... I blame the delicious mini starters!

Copious amounts of wine meant there were a few nappers in the camp post lunch. An hour later, and a large pot of coffee consumed, however, we were playing Monopoly for the rest of the evening!! Family alliances saw a male/female rivalry, and I'm sad to say it was not the girls who prevailed...

Most of the Monopoly time was spent stuffing in wedges of cheese - like we hadn't already eaten enough for the day. I am literally still full 18 hours later...

Saturday 9 November 2013

Fake Christmas Eve

Yesterday began with Christmas shopping - my usual activity for Christmas Eve. But it was only November 8th, I hear you say! This was the last weekend available for a family get together pre Japan, so we had to make do!

There was no possibility of a real tree, so we found the old fibre optic version in the loft. It still look good with all the presents underneath and Christmas candles all around. Dad even put lights on the tree in the garden and the summerhouse we used to think was santa's grotto... The neighbours must think we're mad.

I made beef stew and we spent the evening doing the usual - pulling crackers, telling awful jokes and even some painful singing. At times, I began to rue technological advances, when looking around to everyone playing on their various mobile devices, but looking down at the iPhone in my hand I realised I would find it very hard to do without these days...

A really lovely evening, and now for Christmas Day - I can already smell the turkey and pigs in blankets! Mmmmm!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Poker Day

A frustrating day of cards. A little profit, but it could have been so much more after finishing 10th in an 845 player $26 tournament on FTP for a measly $193.

My final hand for analysis - not sure if I made a mistake here...

Full Tilt Poker Game #33475174787: Triceratops (260850734), Table 1 - NL Hold'em - 6000/12000 Ante 1500 - 21:09:16 ET - 2013/11/06
Seat 2: dug0huz0 (589,825)
Seat 3: mr PINEY (508,327)
Seat 6: HERO (180,272)
Seat 7: crazygamer13 (152,016)
Seat 9: JakeZeSnake (211,175)
dug0huz0 antes 1,500
mr PINEY antes 1,500
HERO antes 1,500
crazygamer13 antes 1,500
JakeZeSnake antes 1,500
mr PINEY posts the small blind of 6,000
HERO posts the big blind of 12,000
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to HERO [Qh Ts]
crazygamer13 folds
JakeZeSnake folds
dug0huz0 raises to 24,000
mr PINEY calls 18,000
HERO has 15 seconds left to act
HERO raises to 178,772, and is all in

Any thoughts welcome!