Sunday 10 November 2013

Best Christmas Day EVER in November!!

Christmas Day always saw me and mum awaken at 6am, desperate to exchange and open presents, from when I was 3 until I was 25. My sis would grumpily pull the covers back over her head when I went in to her room to waken her, all exciteable!! These last few years, however, I have grown to require a lie in... Waking late morning, we were cooked a treat of egg in a hole, sausage and back. Egg in a hole, a geordie delicacy of a hole cut out of a slice of bread, and then fried with an egg, with the yolk in the middle. Simple but awesome!!

Next for bucks fizz and present opening! I was truly spoilt as usual, with sweets, chocolate, socks, underwear, slippers, kindle, ski poles - so many delights! Everyone was on a high, and, in particular, Coll was very pleased with his big bone...

Perhaps the biggest treat of all was the amazing Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. I only managed 18 brussel sprouts this year though, 8 less than last year... I blame the delicious mini starters!

Copious amounts of wine meant there were a few nappers in the camp post lunch. An hour later, and a large pot of coffee consumed, however, we were playing Monopoly for the rest of the evening!! Family alliances saw a male/female rivalry, and I'm sad to say it was not the girls who prevailed...

Most of the Monopoly time was spent stuffing in wedges of cheese - like we hadn't already eaten enough for the day. I am literally still full 18 hours later...

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