Saturday 2 November 2013

A little late...

Yesterday's post was delayed by some drunken antics, so I'm having to write it this morning. Unfortunately my memory is a little hazy, so here goes!

It was a busy day that started with an early lunch in Crouch End followed by a trip to Camden Market. It was my first experience of Camden Town, and it was very enjoyable walking around the stalls, looking at the brightly coloured clothing, bric-a-brac and various other merchandise. I could have spent hours there!

Feeling weary legged, we stopped for coffee at a cute little cafe, and then walked along the canal to Kings Cross. The walk was nice, but it was unpleasant to see the canal filled with litter, and a nearby swan swimming next to it. I don't know why it is that large water courses are an attraction for so much rubbish.

The walk earned us a beer, and we stopped at a cool looking pub called the Euston Tap. It has a twin opposite named the Cider Tap, and both bars are in identical, old buildings just in front of Euston Station. On entering the bar, the initial thought was how small the space was, however we did not notice the stairs... There were many different ales, and after purchasing two pints, we made our way up an extremely narrow, iron spiral staircase. The upstairs area was pleasant, and we chatted for a while, soon succumbing to another half pint, one of which was over 9% abv. We were soon feeling as though we'd had too much, and now running late had to make swift work of the journey home!

A quick change of outfit and back on the underground to meet three of the people I spent the winter with. A brief dinner stop at Lulivo in Leicester Square with Miss H and then the boys arrived for beers in the Brewmaster pub, just next to the underground. A good location for an easy rendezvous. Talking about old times; Rossland, Red Mountain, The Sunshine Cafe, and what everyone was up to now, the evening passed too quickly. The tube station closed and the night bus called. I soon noticed how much the beers had affected me and was very pleased to finally climb into bed - only after eating left over curry from the night before! Classy!

We're heading to a beer festival today at the Ally Pally today. I may have to fight my way through the first pint...

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