Sunday 3 November 2013

Bier and Fireworks

Yesterday I awoke to find Mr G capping bottles of his home brewed beer. He takes it quite seriously these days and, having tried some, I must say it's pretty good. I was then treated to a wonderful full English breakfast before chilling on the sofa, nursing my delicate head!!

A little after 4pm, we made our way to Alexandra Palace, for a German Bier festival. I was impressed by the building, this being my first trip there.

The event was fun, but the organisation was atrocious, with queues at least 15 people deep for the bar. We waited 45 minutes to get our first drink. It seemed they were unable to dispense the Pils fast enough to meet demand - surely a vital requirement of any bar. It was clearly not organised with German precision... Once we finally arrived at the front of the queue, we were so thirsty we had to order 4 pints each to last us until the fireworks started. There was a live band getting everyone involved with singing, dancing and general merriment. The music was entertaining, although we did question the German accent of the lead singer which sounded laughably fake! There were also food stalls, however, they seemed as badly organised as the bar, with huge queues and inefficiencies.

The fireworks began at 8pm, and they were impressive. Unfortunately the strong winds meant that some of the display did not come off in the way it was meant to. For example, a firework was supposed to come through the middle of the previous one, but the wind had blown the exploded pieces off course. It was still an amazing spectacle, and very enjoyable to watch.

The fun evening was complete with more beers, and by the time my head hit the pillow, I was feeling more than a little tipsy. No more alcohol today, that's for sure!

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