Tuesday 5 November 2013

Ski fitness

So the time has come where I need to start seriously thinking about how unfit I am for the upcoming season. I started yesterday's workout with my dumbbell circuit A. I alternate 2 circuits, where I carry out 6 exercises, with 6 reps of each, 6 times, with a 2 minute break in between sets. I was given the link to a female athlete training website where I found these, admittedly, junior circuits and have been using them for the past year and a half. I must admit, it is easier to find the motivation to do circuit A than circuit B! I completed the circuit with 5kg dumbbells, however I don't think I'm quite ready to move up in weight, as I was struggling towards the end.

Following this, I did an extremely slow 5.5k on the treadmill, taking 30 minutes to complete. I don't think 3 weeks is going to be enough time to get to the point I need to be for skiing... I'm going to have to work very hard.

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