Saturday 9 November 2013

Fake Christmas Eve

Yesterday began with Christmas shopping - my usual activity for Christmas Eve. But it was only November 8th, I hear you say! This was the last weekend available for a family get together pre Japan, so we had to make do!

There was no possibility of a real tree, so we found the old fibre optic version in the loft. It still look good with all the presents underneath and Christmas candles all around. Dad even put lights on the tree in the garden and the summerhouse we used to think was santa's grotto... The neighbours must think we're mad.

I made beef stew and we spent the evening doing the usual - pulling crackers, telling awful jokes and even some painful singing. At times, I began to rue technological advances, when looking around to everyone playing on their various mobile devices, but looking down at the iPhone in my hand I realised I would find it very hard to do without these days...

A really lovely evening, and now for Christmas Day - I can already smell the turkey and pigs in blankets! Mmmmm!

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