Thursday 20 September 2007

Settling Down

Since I last wrote a lot has happened but not really in my poker playing. I moved cities, bought a flat, got a real job (which really really sucks) and I'm a little bit too settled for my liking. Having gone without broadband for a couple of months, I'm finally sorted and can now start trying to rebuild my roll.

I don't really know what to do in terms of games at the moment, as omaha has not been going well for the past while and I think the swings are too much to handle with my sometimes lag style. I was thinking about going back to sngs, which was how I first started playing poker, but they just don't excite me as much as cash. Hold'em cash is therefore the only real option but I'm going to need discipline (which I don't really have) and the last thing I want to do when I get home from work is play disciplined poker. Gamble!

Anyway, I'll update in a few days on how I'm getting along....

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