Monday 2 June 2008

It's been a while...

So, it's been a while since my last post, and a lot has happened again. My roll fluctuated between 2k and 3k for a while playing PLO and MTTs and eventually I decided to cash out everything and spend it on a fancy laptop as I was getting nowhere.

After going a couple of weeks with no roll and depositing a little here and there, I eventually decided to deposit $80 on ladbrokes, just as I thought the games were softer and I was planning on trying to teach myself Hold'em cash properly and really dedicate some time to learning. I started out at NL25 and made the decision to deposit more if I needed to, so that I could have a proper roll for it. NL25 went pretty well and within a few weeks I had $500 and had moved to NL50. Nl50 went ok too but I had a few 8-10 buyin downswings at times. I still turned my Ladbrokes bankroll into $1000 pretty quickly before hitting a wall and fluctuating around that mark for a while. I decided to go for a change of scene to stop the rot and deposited some money on interpoker where I get 32% rakeback. I deposited a $190 and started out playing omaha. I spun this up to $1000 within a month or so and continued playing NL50 and PLO50 on Interpoker. PLO ended up going not so well after I hit a (small) downswing so I've put that on the back burner for the time being.

During this time, I also started a deal with a good friend of mine, where he stakes me to play tournaments on FTP and Stars. This has been going reasonably well and is ongoing. Hopefully I can keep turning us both a nice profit. :)

Between the 19th and 29th of May, I managed to rack up 500MPPs on Interpoker and that allowed me to enter a freeroll with 2 Caribbean Poker Classic packages given away. (For those of you that don't know me, I played in the CPC 2006 and would love to go back. It was awesome!) Anyway, I managed to come 3rd (lol) and got a consolation prize of $2000 which was nice and a very nice boost to my bankroll. I was gutted but I have since gotten over it...maybe...

So where am I now...

I've just started playing NL100 and as soon as I moved up I dropped 8 buyins. Nice work! I was very suprised at the difference in standard between NL50 and NL100, and while I adjusted my aggression early on (3-betting and 4-betting light) there were some factors I was obviously not prepared for leading me to lose $800 in around 3 days. I have now played 6k hands of NL100 and have clawed back to only 3.5 buyins down. Tournies have taken a back seat while I grind 3 tables of NL100 in a quest to crack the game and hopefully push up to NL200 asap. I'm looking for a bankroll of $8k before I go for it though, and that's certainly a long way off. Current roll stands at $4050 with around 1k on ladbrokes and 3k on interpoker.

With regards to the non-poker side of my life, it's all pretty dull. I'm still settled in Aberdeen, working away in a crappy job for crappy money. I'm hoping poker is a route out of that though...

Obviously working full time is interfering with my poker playing allowing me to only play around 15k hands a month so it's hard to get anywhere fast but I'll keep you updated more regularly from now.

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