Wednesday 15 September 2010

Back in the game

Early in 2010 I was playing a lot of tournaments, mostly 45 player sngs on FTP, and I found that I was winning a lot of money - around $10k over 6 months or so. I had a big rush in March and then following that, started losing a little and couldn't get up the motivation to play. Even when I did play I didn't play well, and combined with running badly, I dropped around $2000+.

Since then, I've gotten the motivation back, I feel my play has improved tremendously, however I'm still losing, having dropped another $1500. Can this just be variance? I find myself losing self confidence as I ask this question. While I think I'm playing well, am I really? I am therefore going to use this blog has an important hand histories review space for the next while to try and find if I have any big leaks, or if I am indeed on the worst run of cards in my life. I seriously hope it's the latter!!

Any helpful comments and general hand reviews would be more than welcomed and I hope this will help me get better at the game.

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