Monday 28 October 2013

A rat or a hamster?

Last night I was granted an eventful night sleep, or lack there of! Things began when my sis sat bolt upright twice. When asked if she was awake, she sleep lied to me, and said "yes"! Then she told me she'd been having horrible dreams. Later that same night, she experienced something similar, when I was sat upright in bed staring at the curtain. I then proclaimed, "It's a rat! No wait, it's a hamster", while quite obviously dreaming about a small rodent climbing the drapes! We were also woken by sirens just after 3am, and found out from the news in the morning that there was a man found with head injuries right outside the flat at that time. Awful!

I left bonny Scotland (after a copious amount of chicken), and the journey home was beautiful, with an amazing array of colours on display. Unfortunately the car windscreen wasn't quite prepared for this picture taken right at the border, but I thought the sky made it worth posting.

It was a wonderful Autumn afternoon, and it was hard to believe the storms that have hit the South over the past 24 hours. It is sad to see such devastation and the pain caused to those who have lost loved ones.

So, I'm now back in Northern England - lets see what tomorrow brings.

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